El presidente de Ineco, Sergio Vázquez Torrón, en el Foro de Transformación digital de la Justicia.
The Justice Digital Transformation Forum (FTDJ) has once again lay key issues for the administration of justice on the table. The meeting organised by the Ministry of the Presidency, Justice and Relations with the Courts on Thursday featured a presentation by the president of Ineco, Sergio Vázquez Torrón, who explained the company's role as one of the main players in the digitisation of Spanish justice.
In a think tank presented by Aitor Cubo, Director General of Digital Transformation of the Administration of Justice, Sergio Vázquez Torrón highlighted the projects for Justice that have been developed by Ineco in its role as its own medium. Strategic milestones such as SIRAJ , which integrates all criminal information, ATENEA, the strategy to replace the procedural management system or the Carpeta Justicia application. Work which, as he emphasised in his speech, has been carried out under the umbrella of "Ineco's transforming spirit, the same spirit with which it was born, based on knowledge, to carry out the study and comprehensive analysis of mobility, with highly proven experience in process re-engineering".
For this reason, Sergio Vázquez Torrón stressed, "when talking about digital transformation, the most important thing is the word transformation, because it implies the spirit of starting from scratch and it is when we rethink procedures, that is, ways of working in the 21st century, that it seems logical to turn to digital tools".
A great mission, he pointed out, for which co-governance is necessary, a concept that "Ineco handles with ease given its activity as engineering and consultancy for large projects, in which it has to assume the coordination and alignment of a multitude of elements".
Organised in the recently inaugurated Galería de las Colecciones Reales in Madrid, the FTDJ has focused on three lines of action. The first is to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of judicial processes by listening to citizens, businesses and professionals. Secondly, digital legal security by exchanging information between the public and private sectors and finally, to work on direct investment in the field of information and communication technologies, in order to bring the co-creation of value between administrations, citizens and the private sector closer together.